My 10 Favorite Healthy Recipes of the Year (so far)

I know, I know, it’s only November, and you’re not supposed to post top 10 lists until like the last week of December. I’m a rebel like that. Full disclosure. My brain is swirling with so much not fun stuff, that I needed to just post a fun, easy blog post. And this is the one thatContinueContinue reading “My 10 Favorite Healthy Recipes of the Year (so far)”

Whole30: 1ish Week Down!

That’s right, folks. I’m doing Whole30. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s basically a 30-day elimination diet, where you cut out all sugar that doesn’t come from fruit (including honey, maple, agave, etc.), grains, legumes and dairy. So basically, you eat a load of veggies, fruit, eggs, potatoes, nuts (except peanuts) and meat. Honestly,ContinueContinue reading “Whole30: 1ish Week Down!”

Tastes like spring (and a recipe)

When it snows, I like to bake. When it snows in April, I like to bake things that taste like spring. As the snow piles up outside, I preheat the oven and pull out the muffin tin. As the streets fill with gray slush, I rummage through the produce drawer for bright yellow lemons. AsContinueContinue reading “Tastes like spring (and a recipe)”

But does it taste good (and a recipe)?

I love to bake. You can ask anyone I work with. I used to be the queen of bringing in baked goods. Pumpkin muffins stuffed with cream cheese. White chocolate cookies studded with tart cranberries. Bundt cakes dripping with puddles of glaze. Not only did it all taste good. Baking was a stress reliever for me,ContinueContinue reading “But does it taste good (and a recipe)?”

Snow Day (and a recipe)

I remember my first snow day. I was 3 years old. Or maybe 4. We lived in a little trailer in Evergreen, Virginia, surrounded on three sides by soybean fields. The snow came overnight, and when I woke up the next morning the wind had left a swirled and rippled landscape. The snow came toContinueContinue reading “Snow Day (and a recipe)”

My New Favorite Breakfast

In my last post, I alluded to a breakfast I recently made for myself on the morning after my aunt died. It was a self-care breakfast. One that took time. Skill. There were layers and tastes and it’s not the kind of breakfast I would typically make just for me. But why? Why wouldn’t IContinueContinue reading “My New Favorite Breakfast”

5 Tips for Getting It Done: Mealtime

I’ve had a lot of people ask lately how I get mealtime done after work. And first of all, I will say that cooking for one person is a bit easier than preparing meals for an entire family. First of all, I’m only thinking about my likes (bacon) and dislikes (olives), instead of trying to thinkContinueContinue reading “5 Tips for Getting It Done: Mealtime”

Retraining my Taste Buds (and a sorta, kinda recipe)

If you were to ask me to close my eyes and imagine the taste of my childhood, it would be Little Debbie oatmeal pies. That soft, ever so slightly spiced, oatmeal cake with the white cream filling that left your mouth coated with…something both chemical and delicious. The taste of college? McDonald’s hamburgers and fries.ContinueContinue reading “Retraining my Taste Buds (and a sorta, kinda recipe)”

Butternut Squash Lasagna

So, this felt like a good time to give you a recipe that you can serve on a real plate 🙂 First, I should clarify. I’m not a low-carb fiend that would throw myself on top of a plate of pasta like it’s a live bomb. All things in moderation. Plus, pasta sauce is reallyContinueContinue reading “Butternut Squash Lasagna”